From the front lines

Get the inside scoop on company updates, cutting-edge tech developments, and all things app development.

  • scrum

Scrum: A Comprehensive Overview

Discover the power of Scrum - a simple yet effective framework that helps teams work collaboratively and efficiently to achieve project goals.

Nikola Popov Avatar
Nikola Popov - Jan 26, 2023
  • databases
  • node

What is MongoDB?

A guide on how to improve your database knowledge.

Antoniya Ivanova Avatar
Antoniya Ivanova - Jan 12, 2023
  • knowledge

Why does Knowledge matter?

What is the knowledge structure most companies are working with, and why underestimating it could cost you a project's success?

Dilyan Georgiev Avatar
Dilyan Georgiev - Dec 1, 2022
Lexis Solutions is a software agency in Sofia, Bulgaria. We are a team of young professionals improving the digital world, one project at a time.


  • Deyan Denchev
  • CEO & Co-Founder
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